Micro and mini invasive methods Arvind Diwaker, P.N.Vasudevan, Susheel Chowdhary
Extension casting, block and walk trochanteric fractures L. Prakash
Course Features
The course is completely online,with weekly lectures lessons and videos.
Lectures are delivered bynationally and internationally renowned practitioners.
Every week the lectures and pdffiles will be shared to you personallt, You will also be addedto a group of participants andfaculty.
Participants will get life timesupport in the group and can ask questions and clear their doubts.
Any doubts can be asked fromthe faculty
Qualified Orthopaedic surgeons with recognised post graduate orthopaedic qualification plus registration with any state or national medical council
The course Includes:
Weekly lectures and lessons as PDF files.
Links to lectures for 60 minutes to 2 hours everyweek.
The lectures PDF are for you to download andsave and the confidential video links are foryours to view repeatedly life long.
A course certificate will be provided at the endof the course.
17 PDF Lessons 0 PDF Lecture, 17 Video Lectures going on for 22 hours 11 Procedure videos. Plus your own Q/A sessions!
For those who have already done the Hip Plasty, Biological methods, Knee arthroplasty, MIROS, Ilizarov or pain portal course, there is a Rs 5000
discount for the courses. All IAOS members also receive a Rs 5000 discount on each course enrolled for.
Delegates who have attended Kochi IAOSconference, please don’t subscribe for this course,as this comes to you free.
Delegates attending Kolkatta IAOS event arerecommended to do this course, and all registeredcandidates will get 40% discount for the course.
If you have neither attended Kochi, nor intend toattend Kolkatta, this course is very highlyrecommended for you.
You will learn techniques from the course whichyou will be able to begin using in your practice fromth next day.
Course is fully online and done at your scheduleand convenient timings!
Over 20 hours of intensive teaching
> Online course with no actual hands on experience
> Fees has to be paid in advance and there will be no refunds.
Welcome to the new way of learning and sharing knowledge.
Course Features
Genuine mentors/teachers with special interest in teaching.
One hour video conferencing session with course faculty every four lessons.
Actual mentor/student teaching
Question answer session
Free books video links etc after course
You can consult the mentor after the course regarding your cases and get suggestions and methodologies.
After successfully completing the course, the books and certificates will be sent to you by courier.
1. Send your CV, name, address and designation by email to mail: IAOS.org.in@gmail.com along with the name of the course/courses enrolled and proof of payment for the particular course.
Pay on Above Razorpay Button or else QR Code
2. Payment should be made by bank transfer to the following account: